
Showing posts from May, 2019

World’s greatest Spiritual traditions and newly glimpsed by pioneering scientist of modern times- reveals that underlying both Science and Religion are universal principles that govern all creation

As our world civilization moves into the twenty-first century, our greatest cause of optimism is the merging recognition of the underlying ones of life. Humanity’s loftiest spiritual traditions have taught for centuries that our lives are integral parts of a universal whole: today they are being joined by physicists, the new “visionaries”, who are proclaiming that one cord of unity links the farthest galaxies with the smallest cells of our bodies. And as their findings being to coalesce with those of biology, medicine, psychology, ecology , and other fields, we find ourselves poised on the brink of a revolution in human understanding- catching glimpses of a unity and harmony so vast, so breathtakingly perfect, that we are left with a radically different view of ourselves and our potentials. This new vision offers a deep sense of reassurance in the face of profound challenges confronting our world today. We are beginning to see that we are not helpless victims of a randomly chaotic

Ideal Pitah ( Father) : The Heart of a Father is The Masterpiece of Nature !

Role of father in Hinduism : This Sanskrit scriptures, is a law-book of Hinduism, a compilation of roles and responsibilities and treatises centred on Dharma. There are several books on Dharmashastra, bifurcated on basis of various and clashing point of views. Ancient manuscripts on parenting These manuscripts are a mere translation of the sacred Sanskrit scripture, which was composed in poetic verses. The knowledge inscribed in it is about Ashrama (phases of life), Varna (social classes), Purushartha (appropriate objectives of life), and Ethics and obligations, like peacefulness towards every living being, principles of simply war and various other subjects. Dharmashastra  :- Mentioned in one of the chapters of Dharmashastra i.e. Purushartha, it is mentioned about how a native must create and fulfil their objectives in life, in order to move on their journey to death and attain ‘moksha’. Several roles and responsibilities are mentioned in order to achieve these objectives i

" Bharat Mata ki Jai : Janani Janmabhomischa Swargadapi Gariyasi "

    In the Ramayana , Bhagwan Shri Rama uttered the sanskrit sloka   "Janani Janmabhomischa Swargadapi Gariyasi( Mother and motherland are superior to Heaven)" while addressing his younger brother, Lakshmana after  their victory over Ravana , the Rakshasa king of Lanka . Since the days of vedas and puranas we pray our country as mother goddess. She is an amalgam of all the goddesses of Indian culture and more significantly of goddess Durga .   As our mother she has been providing us with Anna and vastra and protecting her children from several dangers.  Once Swami Vivekananda said, "Our sacred Motherland is a land of religion and philosophy - the birthplace of spiritual giants - the land of renunciation, where and where alone, from the most ancient to the most modern times, there has been the highest ideal of life open to man." The image of Bhāratmātā formed with the Indian independence movement of the late 19th century. A play by Kiran Chandra Banne

Significance of Akshaya Tritiya​

(1) Bhagwan Shri Parashurama appeared on this day.  (2) River Ganges descended to Earth on this day.  (3) This day marks the beginning of Treta-yuga.  (4) Sudama visited Krishna at Dwaraka.  (5) The Pandavas received Akshaya Patra from the Sun God.  (6) Vyasadeva started composing Mahabharata on this day.  (7) Adi Shankaracharya composed Kanakadhara Stotram on this day.  (8) Kubera received his wealth and position as custodian of wealth, and (9) Goddess Annapoorna Devi appeared on this day. Parasurama Kshetram There are legends dealing with the origins of Kerala geographically and culturally. One such legend is the retrieval of Kerala from the sea, by Parasurama, a warrior sage. It proclaims that  Parasurama , an  Avatar  of  Mahavishnu , threw his battle axe into the sea. As a result, the land of Kerala arose, and thus was reclaimed from the waters. He was the sixth of the ten avatars (incarnations) of Vishnu. The word Parasu means 'axe' in Sanskrit and t