Ideal Pitah ( Father) : The Heart of a Father is The Masterpiece of Nature !

Role of father in Hinduism :

This Sanskrit scriptures, is a law-book of Hinduism, a compilation of roles and responsibilities and treatises centred on Dharma. There are several books on Dharmashastra, bifurcated on basis of various and clashing point of views.

Ancient manuscripts on parenting

These manuscripts are a mere translation of the sacred Sanskrit scripture, which was composed in poetic verses. The knowledge inscribed in it is about Ashrama (phases of life), Varna (social classes), Purushartha (appropriate objectives of life), and Ethics and obligations, like peacefulness towards every living being, principles of simply war and various other subjects.

Dharmashastra  :-

Mentioned in one of the chapters of Dharmashastra i.e. Purushartha, it is mentioned about how a native must create and fulfil their objectives in life, in order to move on their journey to death and attain ‘moksha’. Several roles and responsibilities are mentioned in order to achieve these objectives in life.

What it likes to be a father?
Being a father is a real task for a man; it’s his duty to learn from the mistakes happened before him and ensures a path, where there’s no scope for mistake. And, while doing this he needs to make sure his children becomes a good and confident citizen.

Roles and responsibilities of a father

Today, I am going to discuss and share some of the responsibilities of an ideal father, who is expected to walk on the path of Dharma, as mentioned in Dharmashastra.

#1. He must remain a giver
A father’s first and foremost responsibility towards his family is to fulfil their needs, wants and desires; also ensuring that nothing from this jeopardizes the peace and prosperity of his family. He needs to ensure his children are educated, well-fed and clothed, sheltered, taught about respecting elders and scholars, value of money, raised to look after families of their own later.
Although it is said that children are close to their mother, but they keep a close watch on their fathers too, getting inspired from him each day. They seem him as a steady provider, a person who ensures the family has all the necessities of life.

#2. Become a shield

It is the responsibility of a father to do everything in his power to protect the dignity and sanctity, of his children and his family. He should become a shield for his loved ones. For a child, his/her father comes across as the sole protector. Shielding them from any harm caused, physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

#3. Teaching valuable life lessons

More than the guru, a father teaches his children about the outside world and its struggles. The guru only teaches them the way to enter the outside world, but a father supports them and advises them sustain there. A guru’s duty is to teach once, but a father’s responsibility is to remind them to his children, whenever they need it in life.
He must share his knowledge and principles, and teach valuable life lessons, through examples, even if it means, putting forth his own experience. A mother is responsible for a child’s inner growth, but a father shapes and projects his outer growth.

#4. Become your child’s first friend

It is said that ‘A child is the father of a man’, but a father shall always hold the position of a patriarch. He must ensure to maintain his moral through his actions, which will be closely watched by his children.

#5. Come across as an exemplar

When young, a child is always inspired to live and lead a life like his father created for himself. A father’s duty is to instil in his children the values of life, not by lessons but through setting examples. He must encourage the child to go beyond the paradigm. Only when a child sees his father taking risks, he learns about how to welcome a Win and a Loss.

#6. Maintain the patriarch

It is said that, ‘A child is the father of a man’, but a father shall always hold the position of a patriarch. He must ensure to maintain his moral through his actions, which will be closely watched by his children.

#7. Ensure strict discipline in children

As they say, the amount of love and pampering put in by the mother must be matched by father’s discipline and vice-versa. It is father’s responsibilities to teach and make his children aware of the boundaries and consequences, of each of their actions.

#8. Become their spiritual leader

Not just mother, it is father’s duty as well to instil in his children faith and belief in their deities, help them look for the right path, motivate them when they are low, push them through their sorrows. A father should always make his children realise the belief in principles of accountability towards their family and parents.

#9. Treat his wife, their mother as Queen
A child’s faith in love, marriage and social relations grow strong, only when he/she sees their father complying with them. In the manner, a father displays his love and respect and remains faithful to his wife, he raises a good native. When he shares the workload as a partner with his wife, he teaches his children, the power and value of establishing and maintaining marriage.

Santoshkumar B Pandey at 3.30pm.


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