
Showing posts from September, 2021

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam : The whole world is a family !

  💞🕉 Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam : The whole world is a family !  "This one belongs to us, that one is a foreigner" --- only people with small minds think like this. But for those of noble character the whole world is a family!" अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् । उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ।। How great were our forefathers and sages to express such a thought and vision. Race around the world: Bhagavan Ganesha and Bhagavan Karttikeya wanted to race around the world --- Karttikeya set off but Ganesha just walked around his parents three times. He won the race around the world by walking around his parents, because his parents are the whole world. Let us take these deep and noble thoughts and apply them to our lives. 🌹💕🕉️🚩💕🙏 Hindu Dharma :        Hatred doesn’t have any place in the world. Love is the only way to connect with the world. Love breaks all barriers including political, social, cultural, religious, racial and national. We are all the branc

Ganesh Festival : The spiritual & Religious Significance of Ganesh Chaturthi, The importance of Nationalism & The Beginning of Social Harmony !

Ganesh Festival : The spiritual & Religious Significance of Ganesh Chaturthi, The Importance of Nationalism & The Beginning of Social Harmony ! The Origin Of The Worship Of Bhagwan Shri Ganesha With Symbolic Messages : Bhagwan Shri Ganesha at the beginning of prayers as well as in all ceremonies and cultural festivals. The history of the worship of Shri Ganesha can be gathered from ancient Hindu scriptures where there are many references about Bhagwan  Shri Ganesha, the first of such reference is been found in the Rig Veda. Rig Veda begins with the invocation of Bhagwan Shri Ganesha, who is described as the Chief of Ganas (divine beings) and as the Supreme Seer (Rig Veda 2.23). Apparently Yajur Veda also mentions ‘Salutations to you Ganas and to the Bhagwan of Ganas’. (Yajur Veda 16-25). There are also  many references in the great epics of Ramayana and MahaBharath, all of which indicate that the worship of Bhagwan Ganesha dates back prior to 7,000 years ago or even earlier. R