Dravid(a) is a Sanskrit word : ‘wise people who always lived by water or people who are personification of ‘Flow of Knowledge’.

What does the word "Dravida" mean? Dravid(a) is a Sanskrit word. The roots : Drav + Vid Drav - means water(liquid), Flow, Flowing Vid (like in Vid-vat or Vid-wan) knowledge, wisdom; Knowledgeable or Wise person In a verbal sense: it means ‘Flowing Knowledge’ From a Noun perspective: it means ‘Knowledgeable or wise people living by(along with) water (wise people who live near by water, water bodies, lakes, rivers, seas) Remember ‘Adi Shankaracharya’ introduced himself as ‘Dravida Putra’ - saying that he belongs to ‘wise people who always lived by water or people who are personification of ‘Flow of Knowledge’. At least 1200 years ago, the great Advaita philosopher Adi Shankara called himself a "Dravida Shishu" in the famous Sanskrit composition Soundarya Lahari praising Devi (75th shloka). So Dravida is not a 20th or 19th century concept, it existed millenia before Dravida Politics. Basically as we travel south vindhyas, one will be coming to closure to water-bodies ...