Chhath Puja : ❣️🕉️🚩🌞 Festival of Worship & Thanks to Sun God 💐🙏

🙏❣️🕉️🚩💞 Chhath Puja is the most prominent festival which is celebrated in the North state of Bharat ( Hindustan ) of Bihar and certain regions of Uttar Pradesh and Nepal. Chhath is a famous festival which starts on the 6th day of the Hindu calendar month “Kartika”. This festival is dedicated to the worship of the Surya devta ( Sun god ) and his wife Ushadevi. This festival is celebrated to thank god for supporting life on earth and to seek the blessing of divine Sun god and his wife. According to Hindu religion, it is believed that sun heal several health conditions and offers longevity, progress, positivity, prosperity and well being. Moreover, the main day of Chhath is actually not the first but the third day of Chhath Puja. This festival is celebrated by people following rigorous routine which lasts for four days, the rituals and traditions of this festival includes fasting , offering prayers to the rising and setting sun, holy bathing and meditation while standing in the water. It is one of the famous Indian festivals which are celebrated in Bihar and many other destinations of India including Jharkhand, eastern UP, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Bangalore, Chhattisgarh and regions of Nepal. It is celebrated at the sixth of the month of Karthika in the Vikram Samvat. 

Chhath Puja is also celebrated in the summers after Holi but the Chhath which is celebrated in Kathika month has more importance and is ardently followed by people.Chhath Puja is one of the major festivals in India celebrated in Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal in India and Madhesh region of Nepal. The word chhath refers to the number six in Hindi, Maithili, and local dialects of the regions where it is celebrated. This word chhath is a Prakrit derivative from the Sanskrit Shashti. This ancient Hindu Vedic festival is celebrated on the 6th day of Kartika (month as per Hindu lunar calendar). Chhath Puja is celebrated to pay respect to Sun for conferring the bounties of life on earth.

Puja is a Conscious Photoenergization Process. With the body purified by prescribed methods of fasting, the vratti (devotee) stand in water (navel deep) thus rejuvenating the nervous system. Praying before the rising/setting sun, the photons enter through the eyes and the skin of the vratti (devotee) and passing through the brain, it generated a bioelectricity which charges the entire body with the solar energy.

The physical bodies of all the living organisms are highly sophisticated energy conducting channels.

The solar bio-electricity starts flowing in the human body when it is exposed to solar radiations of specific wavelengths.

Under particular physical and mental conditions, the absorption and conduction of this solar-bio-electricity increases.

The processes and the rituals of Chhath puja aim at preparing the body and the mind of the (Vratti) devotee for the process of Cosmic Solar Energy Infusion.

Not many people are aware that the scientific process similar to Chhath was used by the Rishis of yore for carrying their austerities without any intake of solid or liquid diet. Using the process similar to the Chhath puja, they were able to absorb the energy needed for sustenance directly from the sun, instead of taking it indirectly through food and water.

Retina is a kind of photoelectric material, which emits subtle energy when exposed to light.  Hence, very subtle electric energy starts flowing from retina. This energy (photo-bio-electricity) is transmitted from retina to the Pineal gland by the optic nerves connecting the retina to the pineal gland. This leads to activation of the pineal gland. Pineal gland is in close proximity with the pituitary and hypothalamus glands (together, three glands are called Triveni) due to which, the energy generated in this process starts impacting these glands. Consequently, the pranic activity becomes uniform, giving the Vratti a good health and a calm mind.

Chhath is a festival which is all about purity, devotion and offering prayer to Surya devta  ( Sun God ) ; the exact origin of this festival is ambiguous but there are certain believes which connects to Hindu epics. Ramayana and Mahabharata are the two epics which are associated with Chhath Puja.

Today is the second day of Chhatt Pooja.Its first mentioned in the Rigveda.Rigved contains hymns worshiping the Sun god and describes similar  its one of the oldest festivals being observed from Sat yug ! of course the practice has changed over time but the core belief is same.

It is said that Bhagwan Shri Rama and Mata Sita had kept fast and offered puja to the Sun in the month of Kartika in Shukla Paksh during their coronation after returning to the Ayodhya after 14 years of exile.

According to Mahabharat Draupadi and the Pandavas, performed the Chhath ritual on the advice of sage Dhaumya.

Krishna's son Samba had been cursed with leprosy. He performed Chhatt and prayed to the Sun God who cured him of his leprosy(or some similar skin disease) Samba was an ardent devotee of Surya and is said to have established several sun temples including the Konark and Multan Sun temples.

Sun is one of the "visible" God, you can directly see him :) and it sustains entire life on earth.There wouldnt be any ancient culture which didnt have sun worship.

Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians performed similar sun worship.Infact if you observe the Egyptial hyglographic images of Ra(sun) worship they look very similar to the way we offer argh on Chhatt.

Sun worship along with everything vedic disapered in the west with the advent of abhramic cults. Bihar,UP part of orissa and Nepal are the only place in which it still survived in very much ancient form.Thanks to internet now its getting popular as well. I feels really good to see younger generations carrying it forward.

It is a 4 day festival which starts from Naha kha,Kharna, Saluation to the setting sun then saluation to the rising sun.I m not going into the details of the Pooja.

The offerings are 100% organic so it dosent cause any pollution.Its done by both men and women so libtards cant call it misogynist .

The Godess who is worshipped along with the sun is called Chhathi Maiya in Bihar who is actually Godess Usha wife of Surya.

Usha is one of the prominent Godesses mentioned in Rig Veda.

She was worshipped as goddess Eos by Greeks, Aurora by Romans, Austrine in Lithuania and probably Uzza in Arabia.She was Hathor in Egypt.

Will tell about one more India-Egypt-Iran connection.

In India there is a community termed Maga, Bhojaka or sakaldwipiya Brahmins. Their major centers are in Rajasthan,UP, Bihar in nothern indian . According to Bhavishya Purana and other texts, they were invited to settle in Punjab to conduct the worship of Lord Sun (Mitra or Surya in Sanskrit).

Term “Mihir” in India is regarded to represent the Maga influence. Even the Shakadwipis themselves have legends that they were invited from outside for Sun Worship.

Samba, a son of Krishna, was stricken with leprosy. He was cured of the disease through the worship of Sun god, the he erected a temple of god at Mitravana on the chandrabhaga. No Brahmin was willing to serve as priest at the temple, Samb had to bring in eight families of the Sun worshipping Maga- Brahmanas, descendents of Jarasabda(viz.Jalagambu, Jarasastra, evidently Zoroster)from Sakadvipa, and settle them at Sambpura, built by him. These Brahmans were given daughters of Bhoja line in marriage and hence become known as Bhojkas.

Magi or Maga priests were basically sun worshippers and were spread from Egypt-Persia- Europe.They were said to be very learned in maths, alchemy, Ayurveda etc.

The major concentration of Sakadwipies was in Magadh (place that holds Magas) kingdom so named after Maga-Brahmana domain. Here they were allotted 72 principalities of villages (PUR). They gradually migrated to different nooks and corners of the country. The shakadwipi popularised a particular form of Sun worship which is now Chhatt Puja.The reason why it became populer in Bihar,UP area.

They were the priest of many Indian Kingdoms until British regime in India.

When Islam and Christianity was spreading Magis in Iran and other places were mercilessly killed and prosecuted.Their libraries were destroyed and who ever survived were converted.Christians burned them as witches.Even now the term Magi means a magician or mystic.

Their knowledge dissapeared from the west but survived in India as shakadwipis.

I think whoever managed to reach India survived rest everyone perished.

Chhath Puja’s Association with Ramayana

It is believed that Lord Rama is associated with the inception of Chhath Puja. It is said that when Lord Rama returned to Ayodhyana then he and his wife Sita observed a fast in honor of the Sun god and broke it only with the setting sun. It is one such ritual which is subsequently evolved in Chhath Puja.

Chhath Puja’s Association with Mahabharata

Famous Mahabharata character Karna is said to be the child of Sun god and Kunti. It is said that Karna usually use to offer prayer while standing in the water. However, there is another story which mentions how Draupadi and the Pandavas also performed the similar puja to get their kingdom back.

Scientific Significance of Chhath Puja:

Chhath Puja is the best way to get your body detoxified as taking dips in water and exposing the body to sun increases the flow of solar bio electricity which improves the functionality of human body. It is also said that Chhath Puja helps to kills the harmful bacteria and prepares the body for the upcoming winter season.

Rituals Involved in Chhath Puja

Chhath is a four day festival which starts four days after the famous Indian festival Diwali, this year Chhath Puja 2020 is in November month. Below is the list of Chhath rituals which are involved in Chhath Puja.


Nahay Khay: The first days of the Chhath Puja involved devotees taking dip preferably in the River Kosi, Ganga and Karnali and then after the holy dip devotees take home the holy water to prepare the offerings. It is one of the most important rituals of Chhath Puja on the first day.


Lohanda or Kharna: The second day of Chhath Puja involved devotees fasting the whole day and the fast ends a little later after the sunset. The second important ritual of Chhath Puja involves devotees preparing offerings like kheer, bananas and rice for the family after worshiping the Sun and the Moon. After consuming the prasad one has to fast for 36 hours without water.


Sandhya Arghya (evening offerings): The third day of Chhath Puja is also observed with fast without water and the entire day involves preparing puja offerings. The offerings (prasad) later are kept in a bamboo tray. The offering includes thekua, coconut banana and other seasonal fruits. Third day’s evening rituals takes place at the banks of a river or a pond or any clean water body. All the devotees offer ‘araghya’ to the setting sun.


Bihaniya Arghya: On the last day of Chhath Puja, devotees again assemble on the bank of the River or any water body and then offer prayers and prasad to the rising Sun. After the offerings are done then the devotees break their fast by eating ginger and sugar or anything which is available locally. After all these Chhath Puja rituals this amazing festival ends.

Interesting & Unique Facts Associated with Chhath Puja:

Chhath Puja is the Vedic Festival which is celebrated in Hindustan (Bharat / India).

Chhath Puja is associated with Hindu epics involving Ramayana and Mahabharata with more than 1 character of Mahabharata associated.

Chhath Puja is the Hindu festival where all the rituals of the festival have some scientific reasons and all of them altogether represent a rigorous scientific process for detoxification.

Chhath Puja are crafted in a way which involves optimum absorption of Calcium & Vitamin D into the body which is really beneficial for the women.

Chhath Puja also helps increasing the immunity of the body.

The four days of Chhath Puja offers great mental benefits to the devotees. Chhath Puja calms the mind of devotees and reduces the negative energy like hatred, fear and anger.

The custom of offering prayer to the Sun god was also prevalent in the Babylonian civilization and ancient Egyptian civilization.

Famous Sun Temples You Must Visit This Chhath Puja

Chhath Puja is all about worshipping the Sun god and to celebrate this amazing festival one can also explore some of the famous Sun Temples of India. Below is the list of Sun Temples which one can visit on Chhath Puja.

Sun Temple in Konark, Odisha

Sun Temple in Konark is one of the popular Sun Temples in India. It was built in 13th century and attracts numerous tourists every year at the time of Chhath Puja.

Sun Temple in Modhera, Gujarat

Sun Temple in Modhera is a famous Sun temple which is quite famous for its ancient architecture and religious significance. Three main components of this temple include gudhamandapa (main hall), Sabhamandapa (assembly hall) & Kunda (reservoir). It is another famous temple which devotees visit at the time of Chhath festival.

Sun Temple in Ranchi

Sun Temple in Ranchi is the prime attraction of the state and people visit this temple in large numbers at the time of Chhath Puja. This popular Sun temple is designed in a manner that it looks like a huge chariot which is richly decorated with 18 wheels and seven horses. Moreover, the pond of this temple is also considered to be sacred.

Dakshinaarka Sun Temple in Gaya, Bihar

It is an ancient shrine which is dedicated to Sun God. This pilgrimage center is also known amongst Hindus for offering Pind daan to the deceased.

Sun Temple in Katarmal, Uttarakhand

Sun Temple in Katarmal is another famous temple which the devotees can explore during Chhath Puja.

Sun Temple in Gwalior

This Sun temple is a true architectural wonder which attracts numerous people every year. The red sandstone and white marble of this temple adds charm to this temple. However, it is another Sun temple which the devotees can visit during Chhath Puja.

सुख और सौभाग्य लाता है छठ पर्व, जानिए इस व्रत का वैज्ञानिक रहस्य:

इस पर्व का मुख्य आकर्षण होता है जलाशय में खड़े होकर भगवान सूर्य को अर्घ्य देना। इस दौरान जल, दुग्ध तथा प्रसाद अर्पित किया जाता है। छठ के व्रत में मन तथा इंद्रियों पर नियंत्रण रखना होता है।

संस्कृत की षष्टी तिथि को छठ कहा जाता है। यह पर्व दीपावली के बाद आता है। यह चार दिवसीय उत्सव है जिसमें पवित्रता और तपस्या का बहुत महत्व है। पर्व की शुरुआत चतुर्थी को होती है। इस तिथि को नहाय-खाय के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इसके बाद निरंतर 36 घंटे का उपवास रखना होता है। जो यह व्रत करता है उसे तन-मन की शुद्धि का ध्यान रखना होता है। 

इस पर्व का मुख्य आकर्षण होता है जलाशय में खड़े होकर भगवान सूर्य को अर्घ्य देना। इस दौरान जल, दुग्ध तथा प्रसाद अर्पित किया जाता है। छठ के व्रत में मन तथा इंद्रियों पर नियंत्रण रखना होता है। जल में खड़े होकर सूर्यदेव को अर्घ्य देने का भी खास महत्व है। चूंकि दीपावली के बाद सूर्यदेव का ताप पृथ्वी पर कम पहुंचता है। इसलिए व्रत के साथ सूर्य की अग्नि के माध्यम से ऊर्जा का संचय किया जाता है ताकि शरीर सर्दी में स्वस्थ रहे !

इसके अलावा सर्दी आने से शरीर में कई परिवर्तन भी होते हैं। खासतौर से पाचन तंत्र से संबंधित परिर्वतन। छठ पर्व का उपवास पाचन तंत्र के लिए लाभदायक होता है। इससे शरीर की आरोग्य क्षमता में वृद्धि होती है। प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा के अनुसार, इस मौसम में शरीर में कई विजातीय द्रव्य जमा हो जाते हैं।जब उपवास, सूर्यदेव को अर्घ्य और जलाशय में पूजन करते हैं तो शरीर की जीवनी शक्ति ज्यादा मजबूत होती है, वह इन द्रव्यों का निष्कासन करने से स्वस्थ होता है। ज्योतिष के अनुसार, अगर कुंडली में किसी ग्रह का दोष हो और छठ पूजा में सूर्य का पूजन किया जाए तो उसका निवारण होता है। साथ ही सूर्य को अर्घ्य देने से भाग्योदय की प्राप्ति होती है।

Rituals of the Chhath Puja:

Chhath Puja

The 4-day rituals of Chhath Puja include taking holy baths in the river, fasting, and offering Prasad and arghya to the sun during sunrise and sunset.

First day: Nyay-Khay

On the first day, devotees take a bath in the holy water of Ganga early in the morning. After this they prepare prasad to offer to the Sun god. The entire house and surroundings are purified with Ganga Jal. People observe fast and eat just one meal in the entire day. They prepare chane ki daal, kaddu ki sabzi, and kheer in bronze or soil utensils. Salt is not added in the preparation of this meal.

Second day – Lohanda and Kharna (Argasan)

During the second day, the devotees fast for the entire day and break it after worshipping the Sun god in the evening. A special meal of Tasmai (a dish similar to kheer) and puris is offered to the Sun god, after which devotees can break their fast. After worshipping the god and breaking their fast, people again fast for the next 36 hours. They go without water and food during this time.

Third day – Sandhya Arghya (evening offerings)

The third day of Chhath Puja is also observed by fasting and without drinking even a drop of water. On this day, the children of the family prepare bamboo baskets and fill them with seasonal fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, dry fruits and sweets like ladoo, saanch, and thakua. The male members take the basket in their heads to the riverside. These baskets are kept open at the ghats where the Vratin takes a dip, and offer ‘arghya’ to the setting sun. These baskets are brought back to the house after the ritual.

At night, a colorful event called Kosi is celebrated by lighting diyas under five sugarcane sticks while singing folk songs and mantras. These five sticks represent the five elements of nature or the Panchatattva which includes the earth, water, fire, air, and space.

Fourth day – Bihaniya Arghya ( morning offerings)

On the last day, devotees gather with their families on the banks of the River before sunrise. The baskets are brought back to the ghats and vratin takes a dip in the water and offer prayers and prasad to the Sun and Usha. After the offerings, the devotees break their fast and have Prasad from the baskets.

On the way back home, the vratin worship the  soil as a gesture of thanks for providing them with food.

The stages of the Chhath Puja:

The process of Chhath Puja is divided into six stages of purification and infusion of cosmic solar energy which  are the process of fasting during the Chhath Puja helps in detoxifying the mind and body. This is done to prepare the mind and body of the devotee to accept the cosmic solar energy.

Standing in a river or any water body reduces the release of energy from your body. This stage also facilitates the prana (psychic energy) to move upwards to the Sushumna (psychic channel in the spine).    At this stage, the cosmic solar energy enters the Triveni complex- the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands. This process is done through the retina and optic nerves.

In this stage, the Triveni complex gets activated.After activation of the Triveni complex, the spine gets polarized which turns the body of devotee into a cosmic powerhouse that can receive the Kundalini Shakti.

In the final stage, the body of the devotee turns into a channel that can conduct, recycle and transmit the energy of the entire universe.It is believed  that these rituals detoxify the body and mind and provides mental calmness. It also enhances immunity, infuses energy and reduces the frequency of anger, and all other negative emotions.

Chhath Puja celebrations

Although celebrated in many Indian states, the Chhath Puja celebrations in Bihar and Jharkhand have a distinct charm. Both of these places attract a crowd of devotees from around the country during this time.


Bihar celebrates Chhath Puja with great enthusiasm and splendor. The city is visited by millions of devotees and all the water bodies turn into places to offer prayer.

In Bihar, the following places are best to experience and enjoy the Chhath Puja celebrations.


This city situated on the banks of the holy Ganga, celebrates the festival on a grand level. This is indeed the best place to offer prayers and witness the magnificent celebrations across the city.

Chhath Puja most eco-friendly Hindu festival?

This festival is considered to be the most eco-friendly Hindu festival because all the things that are used in rituals are obtained naturally.

All the rituals are performed on the banks of the rivers or other water bodies. The use of synthetic material is restricted which makes it eco-friendly.

Most items used in Chhath are close to nature. For example, the ‘daura’ and ‘soop’ used in rituals are bamboo products that are bio-degradable.Also in Chhath Puja, people worship nature itself by worshipping the Sun God as all the living beings on this planet, either directly or indirectly depend on the sun for solar energy.

Chhath Mantra (छठ मन्त्र):

एष ब्रम्हा च विष्णुष्च शिव: स्कन्द: प्रजापती: । 

महेन्द्रोधनद: कालो यम: सोमो ह्यपाम्पति: ।। 

एनमापत्सु क्रिच्छेषु कन्तारेषु भयेषु च । 

किर्तयन पुरुष्: कष्चिन्नवसिदती राघव ।।। 

आदित्य्म सर्बकर्तंरं कलाद्वदाद्शम्युतमं । 

पद्महस्त्द्वयं वन्दे सर्वलोकैकभस्करमं ।।

Appeal Hindus - Men & Women to display such strong festival spirit to strengthen Hindus, Hinduism, Bharatdesh

संगठित हिन्दू, सशक्त हिंदू, सशक्त हिंदुत्व, सशक्त भारतदेश , सुंदर सुहाना विश्व 💓🙏

SantoshKumar B Pandey at 10.12PM.


  1. Vishnumaya Temple Bangalore
    Great Article! Thanks for sharing this information.


  2. Thanks for sharing this informative blog post about Chhath Puja. About Chhath puja Dates


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