Brahman is great disciple of Buddha

Brahman is great disciple of Buddha Great poet Asvaghosa Born in a Brahman family, Asvaghosa was a noted poet and is considered to be instrumental in the spread of Buddhism. He was born in Central India and was a noted philosopher and poet. He was considered as great as Kalidasa. He was born in Ayodhya; he is also connected to places like Benares and Patna. He is described in Tibetan history as someone who could just solve any question, any query and could give a solution to any problem. His opponents were, intellectually, beaten down by him. He was also known for his musical talents. He used to roam around with his musical partners, men and women, playing music and singing songs in the market places. His song used to talk of the banalities of life and the meaninglessness of human existence without faith and belief. Later, he made this one of his techniques to spread the message of buddha . To know more about Asvaghosa, continue to read this insightful biography on him. Person...