
Showing posts from April, 2019

Brahman is great disciple of Buddha

Brahman is great disciple of Buddha  Great poet Asvaghosa Born in a Brahman family, Asvaghosa was a noted poet and is considered to be instrumental in the spread of Buddhism. He was born in Central India and was a noted philosopher and poet. He was considered as great as Kalidasa. He was born in Ayodhya; he is also connected to places like Benares and Patna. He is described in Tibetan history as someone who could just solve any question, any query and could give a solution to any problem. His opponents were, intellectually, beaten down by him. He was also known for his musical talents. He used to roam around with his musical partners, men and women, playing music and singing songs in the market places. His song used to talk of the banalities of life and the meaninglessness of human existence without faith and belief. Later, he made this one of his techniques to spread the message of buddha . To know more about Asvaghosa, continue to read this insightful biography on him. Personal L

The Universal truth - Shiva is Buddha and Buddha is Shiva

" The Universal truth -  Shiva is Buddha and Buddha is Shiva Each Mudra of God Shiva has its unique meaning and significance and at different time and age different dimension of God Shiva incarnate to enlighten the society. Buddha was rightfully blessed with spiritual consciousness in gyan mudra. Like me many of us have realized over a period of time that Shiva is Buddha and Buddha is Shiva." " There is no buddha outside but buddha live in our self only it is supreme knowledge "  Aham Brahmasmi 🌹🌷💞 Aum 🌹🌷💞 Jai Shri Ram 🌹🌷💞

The Life Time of the Supreme Buddha :- The origination: Saluting our teacher Shakyamuni Buddha!

The Life Time of the Supreme Buddha :- The origination: Saluting our teacher Shakyamuni Buddha! Saluting our teacher Shakyamuni Buddha! Saluting our teacher Shakyamuni Buddha! Good indeed! I have been trying to compile a pictorial biography of the life of the great Buddha of compassion. Now, due to good co-operating karmic causes, this ambition has been finally completed. This visual history is an act of devotion to the Buddha – great teacher of compassion. Each picture is unique and contains individual notes that tell a story. This demonstrates that the Buddha once lived on earth and that his presence brought smiles to the faces of all beings. I intend not to damage the Buddha’s teachings, but to enhance them so that they can be preserved for all sentient beings, so that they may travel to the other shore. If this action generates a little good merit, may it be used for the welfare of all sentient beings so that through their good conviction, the Wheel of the Dharma

क्या महर्षि मनु जातिवाद के पोषक थे ?

मनुस्मृति जो सृष्टि में नीति और धर्म (कानून) का निर्धारण करने वाला सबसे पहला ग्रंथ माना गया है उस को घोर जाति प्रथा को बढ़ावा देने वाला भी बताया जा रहा है। आज स्थिति यह है कि मनुस्मृति वैदिक संस्कृति की सबसे अधिक विवादित पुस्तक बना दी गई है, पूरा का पूरा दलित आन्दोलन मनुवाद' के विरोध पर ही खड़ा हुआ है। ध्यान देने वाली बात यह है कि मनु की निंदा करने वाले इन लोगों ने मनुस्मृति को कभी गंभीरता से पढ़ा भी नहीं है। स्वामी दयानंद द्वारा आज से 140 वर्ष पूर्व यह सिद्ध कर दिया था की मनुस्मृति में मिलावट की गई है। इस कारण से ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि मनुस्मृति वर्ण व्यवस्था की नहीं अपितु जातिवाद का समर्थन करती है। महर्षि मनु ने सृष्टि का प्रथम संविधान मनु स्मृति के रूप में बनाया था। कालांतर में इसमें जो मिलावट हुई उसी के कारण इसका मूल सन्देश जो वर्णव्यवस्था का समर्थन करना था के स्थान पर जातिवाद प्रचारित हो गया। मनुस्मृति पर दलित समाज यह आक्षेप लगाता है कि मनु ने जन्म के आधार पर जातिप्रथा का निर्माण किया और शूद्रों के लिए कठोर दंड का विधान किया और ऊँची जाति विशेषरूप से ब्राह्मणों के लिए विशे

Happy Earth Day - Bhoomi Mata 🕉🌷🌹🙏

Happy Earth Day - Bhoomi Mata 🕉🌷🌹🙏 Bhoomi is upheld by Divine forces and Penance: Bhoomi is the Witness of our Past, Present and Future: . The Hindu approach to ecology requires that we first understand how Hindu Dharma views the world of nature, which is very different than that of the predominant western religions. . The Hindu view of nature is based upon the Vedas, Upanishads and Vedanta and their philosophical views, as well as Hindu devotional and ritualistic practices. According to Hindu thought, there is no separation between the Divine and the world of nature. They are the two aspects of the same reality. The cosmic reality is one like the ocean. Nature or the manifest world is like the waves on the surface of the sea. Brahman or the unmanifest Absolute is like the depths of the sea. But it is all water, all the same single ocean. Ultimately for the Hindu as the Upanishads say, “Everything is Brahman,” Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma. This does not mean that the info

Difference between Hinduism and Christianity/ Islam

Difference between Hinduism and Christianity/ Islam  Occasionally I noticed that in western publications Hinduism was missing when religions were listed. Buddhism was there without fail, but its mother so to speak, was being ignored. What could be the reason? About one billion human beings are Hindus. Hinduism is alive and vibrant. There is hardly another people who are as ’religious’ and have so much faith in the Divine. Yet what they revere and hold dear is often considered ‘only’ as a way of life. However, the discussion is still on.  Some argue, “Dharma”, as Hindus (and Buddhists, too) refer to their ‘religion’ cannot be translated as religion. It differs from western religions in many aspects; therefore Hinduism is not a religion. Others feel that since ‘religions’ are legally and socially greatly privileged in today’s world, it would be a big blunder to leave this field to Christianity and Islam who would triumphantly wade into that vacuum. They might claim (and they are exp