Who is a Brahmin according to Bhagwan Shri Buddha?

It is described in Sonadanda Sutta - The Qualities Of A True Brahmin

 Once the bhagwan Shri Buddha arrived at Campa. At that time a popular Brahmin Sonadanda was living at Campa. And Sonadanda went to meet Bhagwan Buddha.

While discussion, Bhagwan Buddha asked to Sonadanda: "What are the qualities a person must have to be recognised as a Brahmin?”

Then Sonadanda answered - A True Brahmin must have five qualities.

Well-born on both the mother's and father's side, of pure descent to the seventh generation;
A scholar versed in the mantras;
handsome and Pleasing appearance;
learned and wise;
Buddha asked - "But if one of these qualities were omitted, could not one be recognised as a true Brahmin?"

"It is possible, Reverend Gotama. We could leave out appearance, for what does that matter? If a Brahmin had the other four qualities he could be recognised as a true Brahmin."

"But could not one of these four qualities be omitted, leaving three whereby one could be recognised as a true Brahmin?"

"It is possible, Reverend Gotama. We could leave out the mantras, for what do they matter? If he had the other three qualities he could be recognised as a true Brahmin."

"But could not one of these three qualities be omitted…?"

"It is possible, Reverend Gotama. We could leave out birth, for what does that matter? If a Brahmin is virtuous, of increasing virtue…and if he is learned and wise - then he can be recognised as a true Brahmin and truthfully claim to be so."

At this other assembled Brahmins said to Sonadanda: "Don't say that, Sonadanda don't say it! The Reverend Sonadanda is decrying appearance, the mantras and birth!"

Now at that time Sonadanda's nephew, a young man called Angaka, was sitting in the assembly, and Sonadanda said: "Gentlemen, do you see my nephew Angaka?"

"Angaka is handsome, good-looking, pleasing, of supremely fair complexion, in form and countenance like Brahma, of no mean appearance, and there is none in this assembly his equal except the ascetic Gotama. He is a scholar…I was his mantra-teacher. He is well-born on both sides…I know his parents. But if Angaka were to take life, take what is not given, commit adultery, tell lies and drink strong drinks - what would good looks, mantras, or birth profit him? But it is because a Brahmin is virtuous…because he is wise…on account of these two points that he can truthfully declare: "I am a Brahmin."

"But, Brahmin, if one were to omit one of these two points, could one truthfully declare: "I am a Brahmin?" "No, Reverend Gotama. For wisdom is purified by morality, and morality is purified by wisdom: where one is, the other is, the moral man has wisdom and the wise man has morality, and the combination of morality and wisdom is called the highest thing in the world. Just as one hand washes the other, or one foot the other, so wisdom is purified by morality and this combination is called the highest thing in the world."

"So it is, Brahmin. Wisdom is purified by morality, and morality is purified by wisdom: where one is, the other is, the moral man has wisdom and the wise man has morality, and the combination of morality and wisdom is called the highest thing in the world."

So a virtuous and wise person is known as true Brahmin.

Santoshkumar B Pandey at 12.09pm.


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