This universe of ours : Life is Divine Just Look Around & Everywhere it's Essence is Found !

" This universe of ours, the universe of the senses, the rational, the intellectual, is bounded on both sides by the illimitable, the unknowable, the ever unknown. Herein is the search, herein are the inquiries, here are the facts; from this comes the light which is known to the world as religion. Essentially, however, Dharma belongs to the supersensuous and not to the sense plane. It is beyond all reasoning and is not on the plane of intellect. It is a vision, an inspiration, a plunge into the unknown and unknowable, making the unknowable more than known for it can never be “known”. This search has been in the human mind, as I believe, from the very beginning of humanity. There cannot have been human reasoning and intellect in any period of the world’s history without this struggle, this search beyond. In our little universe, this human mind, we see a thought arise. Whence it arises we do not know; and when it disappears, where it goes, we know not either. The macrocosm and the microcosm are, as it were, in the same groove, passing through the same stages, vibrating in the same key."
" Hindu Universe because Hindus see the world as being timeless , fatherless , boundless , cyclical & infinite. This universe is the medium through which the divine present itself; hence for Hindus every element of this universe can serve as window to the divine ".

There are five separate elements in Hindu Philosophy- Jiva, Ishwara, Maya, Akshara Bramha and Para Bramha

Jiva and Ishwara are within Maya, the two elements beyond Maya are Akshara Bramhan and Para Bramha, but please note that Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh are like caretakers of each universe that Parabramha creates. Para Brahma creates infinite Universes and each Universe has it's own Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.

Akshara Bramha is the "dham" of Para Bramha, who has a very particular form and is in no way formless. Note that Bramha in trio and Akshara Bramha which is sometimes referred to as Bramha are two entirely different elements. Every universe has a Brahma while Akshara Bramha is one and irreplaceable and Para Bramha is the the reason for all reasons.
Both Akshara Bramha and Para Bramha have a specific form and Para Bramha has two forms and they are "Anvay" and "Vyeterat". Anvay is Him residing in every Jiva as Jiva is in body and Vyerate is his specific form in his Akshardham.

In Upanishads, it is said that Para Bramha is devoid of hands and feet, that is mayak hands and feet. It is said to represent that Para Bramha is an entirely different elements who has a form like that of a 17 yr old man and dark in skin tone but extremely luminous, self luminous.

Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh are like rulers  than Para Bramha is like the king of the galaxy. Aum 

"Let there be 🕉️ Para Bramha in our heart, and light in our soul". ❤️ You are a creation of 
 Para Bramha. The universe lies within you. Para Bramha is in everybody. Para Bramha resides in your heart, soul, body and mind. But not everyone realises the presence of God within themselves. Those are the unfortunate ones who disregard such a beautiful feeling and essence. People who commit sin and evil are those who don't bother to understand Para Bramha, who lies within them. Para Bramha stays with those who choose to listen to their heart and do good for mankind." Aum  namah shivaya

Santoshkumar B Pandey at 10.47pm.


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