Parman Pujanya Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar is the Father of R.S.S. Philosophy !

Parman Pujanya Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar is the Father of R.S.S. Philosophy.

  It means Integral Humanism, Universalism & Supernaturalism.
 He was founder of all R.S.S. activities. It is remain as remain same activities still now.
 It should be remain same until Sun Era.
It is a greatest-greatest Modern Philosophy for welfare of Mankind and  Universal Philosophy.

The Hedgewarsji were a prosperous family of scholars, devoted to the Vedas. In course of his travels, the Shankaracharya used to nominate someone from their family to be a charge of propagating Dharma in the area. With the rise of modern education under British rule, the Hedgewars took to performing religious ceremonies to eke out their livelihood.

R.S.S.Philosophy is the mother of the Holy Vedas of Hindu Dharma and gist explanation or real Knowledge and way of Integral Humanism, Universalism, Supernaturalism. It is a great philosophy for heaven life and heaven enjoyments.

AO- OU-MO- Is indicating the philosophy of Earth-Naturalism, Integral Humanism and Supernatural ism.

A spiritual Men and Women may be following this philosophy for their spiritual progress or salvation or self- forgetfulness for their heaven living.

A Social or Political worker may be following this philosophy for progress of society and his spiritual feeling of Mind and Heaven life.

A Student or Young man may be following this philosophy for his peaceful mind and progressive life. A Work full Man may be following this philosophy for their peaceful mind, sound body and sound sleep as a heaven living.

R.S.S philosophy is 100% Vedas philosophy. R.S.S-  Bhagwa Dhwaj Guru Picture is real spiritual guide or geometrically symbol of Supernatural feeling and heavenly Enjoyment. Those Enjoyments are more-more better than Sensual Organs Enjoyments.  P.P.Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar is a real diplomat or father of those philosophy or real Vedas Philosophy or  universal philosophy of Hindu Dharma .

Bharat mata ki Jay 🌹🌷💞

Santoshkumar B Pandey at 5.00Am.


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